1. Citizens United v. FEC – is a landmark 2010 Supreme Court case that changed the face of campaign Finance and money in politics in the United States. Most notably, Citizens United granted corporations, non profits, and unions unlimited political spending power that undermines our democratic processes.
2. Eliminate the outdated and biased Electoral College voting system. The Electoral College system distorts the one-person, one-vote principle of democracy because electoral votes are not distributed according to population. This causes significant overrepresentation of small states in the “College.” For example an individual citizen in Wyoming has more than triple the weight in electoral votes as an individual in California. How is this democratic?
3. End partisan Gerrymandering in federal elections and prohibit voter roll purging. Gerrymandering is a practice intended to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating district boundaries.
4. Create a national automatic voter registration system that asks voters to opt out, rather than opt in, to insure all voting eligible people are signed up to vote.
5. Demand Term Limits for Supreme Court as well as Circuit Court Judges appointed to minimize partisan rulings on issues that matter to us the public.