With the world population hitting 7 billion, the Center for Biological Diversity is marking this milestone by releasing a list of species in the United States facing extinction caused by the growing human population.
The list of the top 10 species facing extinction represent a range of geography, as well as species diversity — but all are critically threatened by the effects of human population. Some, like the Florida Panther and Mississippi Gopher Frog, are rapidly losing habitat as the human population expands.
Others are seeing their habitat dangerously altered — like the small Sandplain Gerardia in New England — or, like the bluefin tuna, are buckling under the weight of massive overfishing. Still others, like the polar bear, are facing extinction because of fossil fuels driving catastrophic global warming.
Of greatest concern is the brunt of
the global climate crisis that is
severely impacting the polar
bear’s. Two-thirds of the world’s
polar bears could be extinct by
2050 if greenhouse gas-fueled
global warming keeps melting
their Arctic sea-ice habitat.