A Front Group is an organization that purports to represent one agenda while in reality it serves some other party or interest whose sponsorship is hidden or rarely mentioned.
The names of corporate front groups are carefully chosen to mask the real interests behind them but they usually can be identified by their funding sources, membership and who controls them.
The use of “front groups” enables corporations to take part in public debates and government hearings behind a cover of community concern. These front groups lobby governments to legislate in the corporate interest and campaign to change public opinion so that the markets for their corporate goods are not threatened.
1. The American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) is funded by food processing and beverage corporations like Burger King, Coca-Cola, as well as chemical, oil and pharmaceutical companies such as Monsanto-Bayer, Exon and others. The ACSH is one of many corporate front groups which allows industry-funded experts to pose as independent scientists to promote corporate causes.
2. Wise Use Movement is supported by most anti-environmentalist groups, by companies in the resource extraction industry, timber, chemical and land development companies. They portray environmentalists as the enemy of the people.
3. America’s Wetland Foundation (AWF) funded by the American Petroleum Institute, BP and a host of other oil industry companies, solicit taxpayer assistance for BP’s cleanup bill” for coastal damage resulting from the Deepwater Horizon spill.
4. The Citizens’ Alliance for Responsible Energy (CARE) is a fossil fuel advocacy organization. The group opposes environmental activism and the pursuit of “green,” or sustainable energy development, saying the pursuit of solar and wind power “will end the America we know and love.”
5. The Non-Smoker Protection Committee is a front group partly-funded by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (RJR) that backed an initiative called the “Arizona Non-Smoker Protection Act”, that would have allowed smoking in all bars and some restaurants statewide, overturn smoking bansand restrict and prohibit cities from adopting strict smoking bans in the future.