Congressional Member’s Report Card

Congressional Member’s Report Card

1. PERSPECTIVE – Historical Context

WHAT? Democracy. WHO? Decides. Perspective Evidence & Facts HISTORICAL CONTEXT From 1969-1972 in the space of only 4 years by our collective citizen engagement, we made Congress enact public polices for the good of all of us from major environmental laws like “The Clean Air Act,The Clean Water Act, The Endangered Species Act”, and a… Continue reading 1. PERSPECTIVE – Historical Context

Benchmarking & Best Practices

WHAT? Democracy. WHO? Decides. Perspective Evidence & Facts BENCHMARKING & BEST PRACTICES Two independent studies by researches at NYU reveal the following facts: NYU-How European Markets Became Free NYU-Good to Bad Concentration In recent years US industries are becoming increasingly consolidated, with fewer businesses competing for customers and higher corporate profits as a result. The top four manufacturing firms control… Continue reading Benchmarking & Best Practices

Profit Margins – U.S. Vs EU

WHAT? Democracy. WHO? Decides. Perspective Evidence & Facts PROFIT MARGINS – U.S. VS EU While US companies have used their growing market power for profit to raise prices, limit wage growth, and dramatically increase overall net earnings in recent years, profit rates in the EU have remained relatively unchanged for the last 25 years. The fact… Continue reading Profit Margins – U.S. Vs EU


WHAT? Democracy. WHO? Decides. Perspective Evidence & Facts ENGAGE TO CHANGE “OUR STATUS QUO” 1. Demand that unbiased, academic experts are consulted as resources for evidence based data for public policy issues of Economy, Environment, HealthCare, Women’s and LGBTQ Rights, eliminating the industry funded pundits representing Think tanks , PR Firms and Lobbyists with their questionable credentials.… Continue reading ENGAGE TO CHANGE ” OUR STATUS QUO “

Lobbying Expenditures – U.S. Vs EU

WHAT? Democracy. WHO? Decides. Perspective Evidence & Facts LOBBYING EXPENDITURES – U.S. VS EU The total amount of money spent on lobbying in Europe is half that of the United States, and while nearly 90 percent of all lobbying money in the United States comes from business, in the EU it’s more like 70 percent. This is… Continue reading Lobbying Expenditures – U.S. Vs EU

2. TROJAN HORSES – 5 Key Operatives Manipulate Our Public Polices

WHAT? Democracy. WHO? Decides. Trojan Horses Evidence & Facts 5 KEY OPERATIVES MANIPULATE OUR PUBLIC POLICES In the hallmark book by Sharon Beder, “Global Spin”, the following facts are truly revealing about the 5 key operatives namely the Front Groups, Think Tanks, Public Relations Firms, Lobbyists and Media representing business interests using strategies and operations in orchestrating our public polices… Continue reading 2. TROJAN HORSES – 5 Key Operatives Manipulate Our Public Polices

Role Of Think Tanks

WHAT? Democracy. WHO? Decides. Trojan Horses Evidence & Facts ROLE OF THINK TANKS A Think Tank is an organization that engages in advocacy in areas such as social policy, political strategy, economics, military, technology issues and in the creative and cultural field. They are generally private, tax-exempt, research institutes. Their tax-free status depends on their ability to maintain a superficial… Continue reading Role Of Think Tanks

Role Of Front Groups

WHAT? Democracy. WHO? Decides. Trojan Horses Evidence & Facts ROLE OF FRONT GROUPS A Front Group is an organization that purports to represent one agenda while in reality it serves some other party or interest whose sponsorship is hidden or rarely mentioned. The names of corporate front groups are carefully chosen to mask the real interests behind… Continue reading Role Of Front Groups

Role Of Lobbying Firms

WHAT? Democracy. WHO? Decides. Trojan Horses Evidence & Facts ROLE OF LOBBYING FIRMS Lobbying Firms are specialist companies that primarily represent clients to politicians and government regulators. While there are no clear boundaries between what is lobbying and what is PR, lobbying firms often play specific roles within a broader campaign plan. Lobbyists raise gobs of money for… Continue reading Role Of Lobbying Firms

Role Of PR Firms

WHAT? Democracy. WHO? Decides. Trojan Horses Evidence & Facts ROLE OF PR FIRMS A Public Relations Firm (PR) is a professional services organization, generally hired to conceive, produce and manage messages to the public through the media on behalf of a corporate client, with the intention of changing the public’s actions by influencing their opinions. Messages are often… Continue reading Role Of PR Firms